Spondylolisthesis can produce increased lordosis and can result in later stages by increasing the kyphosis too as the upper spine falls off the lower spine. The slipped vertebra can compress the nerves and cause the stenosis of the spinal cord. The condition may also cause spasms that stiffen the back and tighten the thigh hamstring muscles resulting in changes to posture and gait. Symptoms may also include pain, numbness, tenderness, weakness in legs.
Nonsurgical Treatment
Most affected people get better with exercises to stretch and strengthen lower back muscles. In most cases, activities can be resumed gradually and there will be few complications or recurrences. Anti-inflammatory medications may help reduce back pain. Back brace and conservative treatment such as physical therapy may be recommended to correct the condition.
If the slippage is severe, pressing nerves or spinal cord, or if the condition doesn’t respond to nonsurgical treatment, surgery may be needed to correct the condition.
A spinal fusion using plates is performed to realign the spine. Plates, rods and screws are used to hold together the vertebrae while the fusion heals.